my.pages in english

  1. How Even Common People can be Fooled by Unsustainable Growth
    #earth #rationality #policy #culture #ubi
  2. Hipsters Built This City In 2004
  3. Is there such a thing as Responsible Data Collection?
    #policy #ngi #surveillance
  4. How to Seriously Democratize Technology
    #lqfb #ngi #surveillance
  5. Do we have to declare blockchain currencies illegal?
    #policy #ngi #ubi
  6. Re: Morgan Housel: The Seduction of Pessimism
  7. Neoreaction? Good Analysis Does Not Imply Good Ideas
  8. How did Bauwens, Casaleggio, Lovink and Morozov get Liquid Democracy all Wrong?
    #lqfb #rationality
  9. Let's try the Unconditional Basic Outcome
    #ubi #policy
  10. Doubts regarding D-CENT, YourPriorities and Rousseau
    #lqfb #rationality #structure
  11. How Criticism of Unconditional Basic Income stands on False Data
  12. How Facebook spies on those that refuse to buy into Dropbox
    #surveillance #ngi
  13. Re: Critique of Varoufakis' Democracy in Europe Movement
  14. HOWTO Build a Participatory Political Party - Chapter One - Stop the Hurting
  15. Masterplan for Saving the World
    #ngi #ubi #lqfb #earth #policy #structure
  16. Options for a Cumulative Unconditional Basic Income
  17. Matteo Renzi invites Liquid Democracy to Brussels
  18. Copyright? It's the Surveillance, stupid
  19. Liquid Feedback Democracy to run Television?
    #lqfb #rationality
  20. Stop the Activerts! Hail the Delegation King!
    #lqfb #rationality
  21. A Political Youthquake: Europe-wide Liquid Democracy?
  22. Server Protection: A Legislation Initiative
    #policy #ngi #surveillance
  23. A Seal to Protect us from Info-Totalitarianism
    #policy #ngi #surveillance
  24. A Visual Novel on Distributed Social Networks
    (Why Diaspora won't do etc.)
    #ngi #surveillance
  25. Maybe The Reasons Why Myspace Failed
  26. How To Easily Do Away With Globalization (updated 2017!)
    #policy #earth
  27. Pirate Party in the Wikileaks Cables
  28. Backstreet Boys Changed Their Minds
  29. lynX's Humorous Strategic Card Game

my.pages in italiano

  1. Fregature prevedibili: Quando la fine di un progetto politico è prescritta già all'atto di fondazione.
  2. Linee Guida per Responsabili della Convivenza in Rete e oltre.
  3. Presentazione di Liquid Feedback al Palazzo dei Congressi
  4. Una repubblica sfondata sul lavoro
    #ubi #policy
  5. Sul Liquid Feedback di Michele Boldrin
    #lqfb #rationality
  6. Riguardo a Julia Schramm
    #structure #rationality
  7. La fregatura dei partiti
    #structure #rationality
  8. Tutta colpa dei tedeschi
  9. Sul fenomeno pirata
  10. La ricetta del successo di Berlino

my.pages in deutsch

  1. Varoufakis' Demokratie in Europa: Offene Fragen und Antworten
  2. Vorschlag eines Mandates für eingespielte Geselligkeit im Internet und darüber hinaus.
  3. Wieviel der Kritik an Liquid Democracy ist fundiert?
    #lqfb #rationality
  4. Interview: E-Mail schafft sich ab
    #surveillance #ngi #policy
  5. Ein Trojanisches Pferd des Volkes
    #lqfb #structure
  6. Gemainheit: Thema GEMA 2012 besonders aktuell
  7. Immernoch auf Facebook — was bei den Alternativen schiefgeht


#culturePeople change things change people.
#earthWe only have one and even if a few of us could go on Mars — how depressing — everyone down here would still die
#lqfb#LiquidFeedback, properly applied Liquid Democracy
#ngiNext Generation Internet (see #youbroketheinternet)
#policyIdeas for regulation and legislation of human-generated problems
#rationalityFact-oriented methodologies in an Internet of fake information
#structureHow to organize people to get along peacefully and do stuff democratically
#surveillanceThe economic system that is threatening democracy for good (see also #ngi)
#ubiUnconditional Basic Income (not "universal!")


Last Change: 2018-05-10

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